Internationale Händel-Festspiele Göttingen

Reformierte Kirche in Göttingen Untere Karspüle 11, Göttingen

TIP YOUR HATS: ENGLISH MUSIC BETWEEN PURCELL AND HANDEL Duo Agion Semion Gurevich Violin Agnieszka Skorupa Harpsichord   Hard to imagine today: there were times when English music was not even that sexy. In the 18th century, the tone was initially set by the French under Louis XIV, pompous and elegant, before composers from Italy conquered the hearts of Europe with their sensual virtuosity. Purcell as well as Handel were inspiring, as they mastered both musical languages, and furthermore infused each of their works with individual expression. Purcell, for example, was able to combine French noblesse with folksong-like simplicity, Handel on the